Undeath Always Ends: The ultimate goal for the protagonist is to move on to the next life. Unfortunately, he can’t do that until he resolves all the lingering issues keeping him around. Subverted for the other ghosts, who remain among the living and find fulfilling purposes there. You still should have checked the body. Like an Old Married Couple: Glitch and Cain. So very much. The reason it is so bad is that Cyborg Superman or rather Zor El is his own brother. Knight Templar Parent: Jor El tries to keep everything and everyone who could ever harm his beloved Kal El and even to spirit him away from Earth and Manhattan’s grasp and when Superman keeps refusing, he tries to bring him to heel by shooting him with Kryptonite. Man of Kryptonite: Caught in the explosion of Krypton before he was rescued, Jor El has a bit of Kryptonite lodged into his head, allowing him to fire bursts of “Kryptonite Vision” from his left eye.
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