There’s no explanation as to why she would do that

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Of course, seeing as it’s Pinkie we’re talking about, it’s to

She gets just enough information about Ivory’s childhood to call into doubt her earlier assumption that Ivory is evil the journal ends. However, when Dusky asks to hear the rest of the story, Ivory is right there and happy enough to explain. Town with a Dark Secret: Pasture, with its rumors of a Necromancer. The […]

In the end, he has to choose his people’s welfare over his own

Out of Focus: Dean and Sam are barely in the episode. Phone Call from the Dead: Ennis’ father, established to be dead for years, calls him as the episode ends. And then gets cut off. In an ironic turn of events, the Kaj himself was part Divine through his mother Lisha, a daughter of the […]

Part of the reason Kana got into Maria Duel was because she

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Awful Wedded Life: Star’s parents had a very dysfunctional and

Cue Titan Maximum kicking it in the groin from behind, the sound of a photographic flashbulb showing a newspaper of that precise moment. Hannibal Lecture: Gibbs. Harmless Freezing: Completely averted when a scientist is hit by a freeze ray, and even after getting some of the ice off of himself with steam he still suffers […]

” Producers will no doubt be banking on her to make “Bodyguard”

This Senate vote, moreover, gives more momentum and legitimacy to the House version of health care which also includes the public option, employer mandate, broader Medicaid coverage, and more generous subsidies to the lower middle class. That Senate vote thereby reduces the power of House Blue Dogs and conservative Dems to influence the bill that […]

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And nastily subverted in The Draft and The War. Sometimes the therapist makes mistakes. Transhuman Treachery: A major topic of Newuniversal, where that universe’s version of Phil Voight thinks this applies instantly, and will take any method necessary to avert it, either not noticing or not caring that the people he’s hunting are all too […]

Then as now, Republican “leaders,” like cuttlefish spewing ink

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SPII Talk Volume 14, 2nd Quarter May 2013

We are almost half way through the year. Talk of the State of the President address, and the National Budget have all but fizzled. Poverty and Inequality remains with us. People and especially the most vulnerable want to hear about bread and butter issues.