Framework for Social Welfare and Development Services in South Africa
A compelling need currently exists for the development of legislative frame work for social welfare and development services in South Africa. Thousands of civil society organisations provide core services in this arena, providing and contributing to critical care for our people and communities. Right now, there is an absence of legislation regarding the functioning of the sector as a whole, including the partnership between government and non-profit organisations which is crucial to service delivery.
Moving Beyond the Legal to a Political and Social Definition – Contextualising Progressive Realisation2
The realisation of the socio-economic rights is the key mechanism by which to heal the wounds of the Apartheid past and fulfil the promise of the Preamble of the Constitution to achieve social justice and enable people to realise their full potential. The South African Constitution contains the promise of access to socio-economic rights for […]
Social Security Briefing Paper for the National Planning Commission, April 2011
To consider social security in South Africa we have to consider a number of factors simultaneously, and this process may well challenge the aspirations that we might wish to have of where our country and our people should have been economically and socially seventeen years into our democracy. It is hoped, however, that we are […]
A Monitoring Tool for Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa
This project set out to develop a tool with which to monitor and evaluate the (progressive) realisation of socio-economic rights in South Africa. The aim was twofold: firstly, to move towards an agreement on what progressive realisation of socio-economic rights means in South Africa – to what end and over what time span – and […]
Financing of Social Protection in Southern Africa – Social Security in South Africa – SPII 6 October 2011
Sources of Financing for Social Protection in Southern Africa Rent from Natural Resources Taxes on trade and consumption Aid Direct taxation (plays a small role, other than in South Africa and Mauritius, due to the relatively small tax base in the region) Full document: Financing of Social Protection in Southern Africa – Social Security in South […]
MTBPS Presentation 2011
In the 2011 MTBPS the Minister of Finance highlighted difficult choices which lay ahead for South Africa and the compromises which would need to be reached. Full document: MTBPS Presentation 2011
How inclusive is the New Growth Path (15-11-2011)
The National Development Agency (NDA) is a Section 3A statutory organisation established under the National Development Agency Act of 1998 reporting to the Parliament of South Africa through the Department of Social Development. The primary mandate of the NDA is the eradication of poverty through the granting of funds to civil society organisations (CSOs) in […]
She takes a few shots even while on duty
Fighting from the Inside: Subverted with Alone, when he that has regained control over his body, has Hades powers, and still decides to go forward with the plan to destroy the Earth with the Lost Canvas. 5 Bad Band The Big Bad Alone The Bigger Bad Hades The Dragon Pandora, Hypnos and Thanatos qualify as […]
It made him to publish Les silences du colonel Bramble under
the silver prices will only grow stronger in the new year Replica Valentino Handbags For a darker and more specific version look at I’m a Humanitarian. See also Impossibly Delicious Food. May overlap with Comfort Food in cases where the comfort food is the character’s TFF.. Tomo is making a habit of this, showing up […]
Neutral Female: Played for laughs
Averted in The Rescuers series of children’s novels (the inspiration for the Disney movies). In the novels Miss Bianca is the pet of an ambassador’s son, so she lives in a dollhouse, but most other objects are not simply mouse scaled props, but are indeed fabricated from other objects. For example, spools of thread are […]