Final Policy Brief Towards Mangaung 2012

Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII) with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) hosted a high level seminar on 6 July 2012 to debate how the ANC policy conference might shape the immediate and longer term interests for South Africa’s unemployed, working poor, working middle class, business elite and political elite respectively around the following […]

Concept note (2012) Linking of cash transfers to local economic development

Despite robust economic growth averaging 3.5% to 5.2% between 2004 and 2007,1 South Africa remains amongst the most unequal societies in the world. One of the main reasons for South Africa’s high levels of poverty and inequality amongst the previously disadvantaged is a result of high unemployment and a lack of labour force participation in […]

South Africa: poverty, social security, civil society, triangulating transformation

How best can policy makers make an impact on improving the lives of people living in poverty and destitution?  That is the       question that seizes governments across the world, both in developing and industrialized nations.  Identifying the right policies to ensure sustained economic growth is not sufficient to ensure that the benefits of that […]

Review of Education Policy

The brief from the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII) was to develop a background paper that could inform a broader research project for the development of a measurement matrix in respect of the right to basic education and further education (limited to secondary education). Full document: Review of Education Policy

Review of the Right to Housing

The following review of South African housing policy and development since 1994 forms part of a larger research project run by the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII). This broader project seeks to compile a measurement matrix capturing the progressive realisation of socio- economic rights by the government, as required by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996.

Monitoring the Progressive Realisation of Socio-Economic Rights – a Review of the Development of Social Security Policy in South Africa

This policy review has been undertaken as part of a broader project conducted by the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII). The objectives of the larger project are to investigate the manner in which policy making to expand access to socio-economic rights in fact aligns with the jurisprudential guidance handed down by the Constitutional Court, to undertake baseline policy studies and to develop an indicative matrix for the monitoring of the progressive or regressive measures of current and future policies.

Submission to The Portfolio Committee on Social Development SPII (3)

1.   The Portfolio Committee has called for the public to submit written submissions on the above draft amendment bill to the Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004 (the SAA) by or before 16 April 2010. The written submissions are to be followed by oral hearings on 20 and 21 April 2010. 2.   Studies in Poverty […]