Cash response – Emergency Drought Relief Namibia 2013

A recently abandoned cattle post. In one of the interviews we learned that due to a lack of grazing the hearders had moved on. However, there is little hope to find grazing anywhere within reach. Location: 50km north of Sesfontein – Kunene region Full document Click here

Summary of Methodology Paper – Taking Stock – How to make Sense of Progressive Realisation of Socio-Economic Rights and Evaluate Progress made over Time – the case for the realisation of socio-economic rights1

Few people would disagree that the realisation of socio-economic rights is key for overcoming South Africa’s persistent struggle with poverty and inequality. However, when resource constraints and the sheer size of the problem get discussed people typically say one of two things – either that the progress made around the delivery of houses, social grants or education – to name just a few – is a huge achievement and shouldn’t be belittled merely because backlogs or problems in delivery continue to exist, or that progress is too slow for a comparatively rich middle income country.

Policy brief – Towards Transformation June 2013 – Measuring, Monitoring & Evaluating Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa

Few people would disagree that the realisation of socio-economic rights (SERs) is key for overcoming South Africa’s persistent struggle with poverty and inequality. The Constitution guarantees justiciable socio-economic rights. Although people therefore can approach the courts if they feel that these rights are not being respected, the Constitution, however, subjects these rights to the internal limitation of “progressive realisation subject to available resources”.

ICESCR Booklet (Jan2013)

The South African Constitution enshrines socio-economic rights- such as the right of access to healthcare services and social security, sufficient food and water, as well as to adequate housing-alongside civil and political rights. While South Africa has made notable progress in promoting and protecting human rights, particularly civil and political rights, as acknowledge by the government,1 there are still real problems with the full realisation of socio-economic rights The language and obligations of the Constitution echo the standards and norms of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and its Optional Protocol (OP-CESCR).

Activities Undertaken by the Poor in SA Briefing Note- January 2013

South Africa’s official unemployment rate of 25% ― and when including the discouraged, 33%1 ― is the highest amongst 62 countries surveyed in 2011. The poor, who are mostly unemployed and face very low labour force participation rates (37.5% in 2008)2rely on the social grant system as their main source of income.

International case studies-supporting programs for small businesses. Briefing Note-January-2013

The development of many emerging economies is hindered by the so-called “missing middle”, the small, medium and micro enterprises that serve as important drivers of job creation and economic growth. The challenges faced by these enterprises include regulation, lack of access to capital, informality that limits access to services, and high levels of bureaucracy. This […]

Measures of Local Economic Development-Briefing Note-January 2013

The examples of the measurement of local economic development presently available are mostly located in a developed country context. The challenge arises in identifying indicators for measurement in the context of a developing country and a relatively large informal sector in which data collection is not easily done. Full document: Measures of Local Economic Development-Briefing Note-January […]

Role of microfinance in supporting small businesses- Policy Note-January 2013

Microfinance can be defined as “banking the unbankable”. It refers to bringing financial services such as credit, savings and loans to the poor who are often not served by the formal banking system due to their inability to provide collateral or some form of security and therefore are seen as being a higher risk group […]

SADC BIG Idea policy brief

The argument of this policy brief develops from the facts that: The case is now established internationally that forms of international taxation may be needed to help fund social development in low income countries, The case is also established that migration pressures are making national states increasingly reluctant to meet the social needs of migrants. […]