Reimagining Social Safety Nets – Mail&Guardian

Is social security spending too high?

Read Full Op-Ed Is social security spending excessive? This query delves into the intricate balance between government expenditure and societal needs. At SPI, we believe this debate is critical, especially in light of South Africa’s socio-economic landscape. With unemployment rates soaring and inequality persisting, it’s imperative to scrutinize fiscal allocations with a lens of efficacy […]

Budget Speech 2024 Analysis Unpacking the budget speech and its implications for South Africans. We’ll be looking at the details of the speech and what it means for our country, our economy, and our future. Stay tuned for expert analysis and insights from our panel of guests. Broadcast proudly brought to you by Congress of Business & Economics […]

Post MTBPS Sentiments

The Medium Term Budget Policy Statement is a roadmap of the fiscal and allocations direction the government is planning on taking in the annual budget speech in February. Evident from the MTBPS is that the government has no intention of using fiscal policy tool to stimulate economic growth. This was made clear by the extension […]

How to Finance a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in South Africa

A Universal Basic Income Grant (UBI), while not a new concept, has gained prominence as a policy tool to respond to the rise in inequality, income insecurity and the rise in precarious work associated with the changing nature of work and globalization.[1] The rise in precarious work coupled with the introduction of new technologies in […]

Social Security and Just Transition | Policy brief

For the Just Transition in South Africa to be truly just it must account for structural legacy challenges currently facing the country’s economic growth. The policy brief therefore calls for setting of a protection floor through a Universal Basic Income which will protect and ensure vulnerable South Africans do not fall any deeper into poverty […]