To the Minister of Social Development, the Honorable Sisisi Tolashe

The Social Policy Initiative (SPI) extends our heartfelt congratulations on the appointments of the Honourable Minister Nokuzola Gladys Tolashe, and the Honourable Deputy Minister Ganief Hendricks to the Ministry of Social Development in the 7th administration.

We acknowledge and recognize the many challenges this crucial portfolio presents because it’s a key constitutional obligation. The provision of basic income through social security is essential in the right to dignity in a country in which more than 55% of the population lives below the food poverty line and where one in every five girl children is malnourished. But we remain confident in the opportunities and the ways in which social partners and stakeholders can convene and strategise around uplifting South Africa’s most vulnerable members of society.

SPI has had a significant, longstanding, and fruitful relationship with the Department of Social Development (DSD), including in the comprehensive social security reform task team work at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC). In our shared belief that all South Africans must live with dignity and security, over the years, our collaboration has been pivotal in advancing the fight for comprehensive social security and welfare in the form of the R350 (now R370) Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant, amongst others. We have witnessed and contributed to meaningful progress and are eager to continue this important work under your capable leadership. We welcomed the collective positions in manifestos of the government of national unity (GNU) political parties which recognised the critical importance of basic income support.

These milestones we have achieved together should not be seen as the end of our efforts but rather as the foundation for even greater accomplishments, such as the critical need for the implementation of a universal basic income (UBI) to the value of R1500. The introduction of a UBI would not only provide a safety net for all citizens but will also stimulate economic activity and reduce unemployment and inequality, aligning with our shared vision of a just and equitable society.

The Ministry and department are key actors, and we call on the new incumbents to champion this transformative policy, benefiting millions of South Africans in multiple dimensions. We are confident that DSD will be at the fore of a comprehensive social security framework and will continue to build upon the legacy of progress that has collectively been established.

We believe a decisive step would be the tabling of legislation to introduce a decent UBI of R1500 per person per month in the first 100 days of office, and we are committed to making this a reality. We look forward to working alongside you and your department to ensure that our achievements are preserved and expanded upon. Once again, we congratulate you on your appointment.
