Awful Wedded Life: Star’s parents had a very dysfunctional and

Cue Titan Maximum kicking it in the groin from behind, the sound of a photographic flashbulb showing a newspaper of that precise moment. Hannibal Lecture: Gibbs. Harmless Freezing: Completely averted when a scientist is hit by a freeze ray, and even after getting some of the ice off of himself with steam he still suffers from horribly debilitating frostbite (to which he is almost indifferent). Face Heel Turn: Daredevil (and a few other heroes) think that Spider Man has done this during the “Tangled Webs” storyline. He didn’t, by the way. Face Palm: Superman sometimes does this when he forgets to bring his holowatch. Unlike other natural plant oils, the tea tree oil has antibacterial properties. This makes it very effective in fighting infections. Using a piece of cloth or cotton wool, the victim applies the tea tree oil on the face and other infected areas.

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