In this novel IAD gets very interested in Bosch after his murder suspect is revealed to be both an FBI agent and definitely innocent. Jerkass Has a Point: Said almost verbatim by Harry to Billets in explaining why Powers said he opened the trunk instead of waiting for the detectives. Just for Pun: TNA Productions. Of course they would want the guests evacuated. Solve the Soup Cans: This is the reason why Sumio doesn’t just go defuse the bombs instead of messing around with the island’s residents; he’s not allowed to proceed past an unsolved puzzle, even when there’s no in universe reason why he can’t. Stealth Sequel: To The Silver Case. Foregone Conclusion: If you watched the movies in production order, there’s no way you didn’t know how Rise of the Lycans was going to end. Watching them in chronological order, however, takes away the first movie’s twist that Kraven didn’t kill Lucian as Selene claimed in her Opening Monologue, and that in point of fact Lucian isn’t actually the villain. Either way, you will be spoiled though the chronological order can still work okay if you like internal reveals.
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