And nastily subverted in The Draft and The War. Sometimes the therapist makes mistakes. Transhuman Treachery: A major topic of Newuniversal, where that universe’s version of Phil Voight thinks this applies instantly, and will take any method necessary to avert it, either not noticing or not caring that the people he’s hunting are all too human. Mythology Gag: In addition to the ones mentioned under Chekhov’s Gun. Iron Will considers getting out of mercenary work to become a motivational speaker. Celestia’s airship is called the Alicorn. That’s why everyone’s drinking lemonade at the party everybody in the audience knows its supposed to be booze, but Sturges could tell the Breen office, “No, it’s not alcohol, just lemonade. Trudy loses her memory of the night not because she’s drunk but because she whanged her head on the chandelier.” And then there’s, of course, her last name, the possibility she had sex with several soldiers in one night while she was “drunk”, and the fact it’s pretty much a parody of the Nativity Story. Give the Baby a Father: Central theme.
Replica Stella McCartney Handbags These samples were removed from from the US release of The White Room, which eliminated the fading.) Fun with Acronyms: The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu was frequently abbreviated as The JAMs. Cauty and Drummond gave multiple, contradictory explanations of what The KLF stood for, the most memorable being “the Kopyright Liberation Front”. Gospel Choirs Are Just Better: “Down Town” has a gospel choir alongside King Boy’s rapping and a sampled Petula Clark. Knight Templar Overlord Jr.: Shane McMahon Power Stable: The Champion: The Rock The Heir Apparent: Ken Shamrock, later Triple H Though one of Shane’s In Series Nicknames was “The Heir Apparent”. The Man Is Sticking It to the Man: When Vince assembled a stable known as “The Union” (Mankind, Ken Shamrock, the Big Show and Test) to go up against the Corporate Ministry, despite that he was still in charge of the WWF. Vince was also the “Higher Power” controlling the Corporate Ministry, so he was “sticking it to himself” in more ways than one until he revealed this fact and his true goal, causing the Union to collapse Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: The primary gimmick of the stable. Replica Stella McCartney Handbags
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